Tuesday 18 December 2012

One Small squeaky Cog

Ever felt like an insignificant piece of a much larger machine?  I’m one small (often squeaky) cog in a machine called the Anglican Church in Aotearoa and Polynesia. I am often frustrated by the ‘product’ this machine produces, so I sit here squeaking away hoping something will change… it doesn’t seem to. The big cogs are the ones who get noticed, the cogs who are flashy and perform important roles, but they forget the many little cogs, cogs like me, who are comitted to seeing this machine working in the way it was created to.

Perhaps by being online, and squeaking a bit more loudly I’ll see where others in the machine are at, perhaps if we squeak together we may find the good oil and together change the direction of this machine. I hope we can, I pray for the sake of the gospel we can.

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